The Sporting Statues Project is based at the University of Sheffield, UK. It records and researches statues of sportsmen and women around the world. Since 2010 we have published several academic papers and magazine articles,
and collected information on over 1000 statues.
This website was created to share our research, to entertain and inform sports fans, art historians, and anyone else who might be interested in sports statues. The primary purpose of the website is to display our databases for all UK sporting statues, US baseball statues, world cricket statues, and world football statues. These databases are updated every three to six months. As well as the databases, the website also contains an archive of our publications, presentations and media coverage, and guidance for anyone planning a statue project.
For more regular news on new and planned sports statues, interesting example of the genre and new photos, follow us on Twitter.
If you have any information, corrections or photos to contribute, or are organising a statue project yourself,
we would be interested to hear from you. Likewise we are happy to be interviewed for media coverage around the subject and welcome offers for
collaborative research or articles based on our database. As well as the information showcased here we have many hours of interviews with sculptors and project organisers,
more detailed information on many of the statues featured, and a wealth of contacts.
If you use any of the material found here for your own research or publications, please reference this site as follows:
Similarly, all photos featured on this website are copyright of the photographer.
Thank you to everyone who has supplied photos, information, interviews, research advice and support throughout the course of this project.